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[女人社群] 【女性社群.大家学英语】【Day 31 ~ Day 60】









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发表于 2015-7-6 00:00:31 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 温尼伯女性社群 于 2015-7-28 11:48 编辑

【Day 31】 生活篇- 餐馆
一般来讲,好多比较正式的餐馆都会有hostess(专门带客人就坐的服务生)和 Please Wait to Be Seated(请等候带入就坐)的标志。
1. A: Hello, how are you?
2. B: Pretty good, thank you.
3. A: How many people are in your party?
4 B: Just two.
5 A: Would you like to sit in the dinning room or the lounge?
6 A: Dinning Room please.
1. 你好吗?
2. 还不错,谢谢。
3. 你们有几位?
4. 只有两个
5. 你们想做饭厅还是吧台?
6. 饭厅吧。

【Day 32】 生活篇- 餐馆2
1. A: Would you like to sit by the window?
2. B: Actually, I'd rather sit over there.
3. A: Today's special is chicken soup.  Can I get you something to drink?
4. B: Just water for now.  Thank you.
1. 你们想坐在窗户旁边么?
2. 其实我想坐那边儿。
3. 今天的特色是鸡肉汤。想要什么饮料?
4. 先来杯水吧。谢谢。

【Day 33】 牡丹情活动篇
1. A: How was the party?
2. B: It was beautiful.  What do you think?
3. A: The dresses were nice and I enjoyed the dance.
1. 牡丹情活动如何啊?
2. 很漂亮。 你觉得如何?
3. 服装很美,我很喜欢她们的舞蹈。

【Day 34】生活篇- 餐馆3
1. A: Would you like an appetizer to start?
2. B: Which one do you suggest?
3. A: The calamari and the chicken wings are my favorites.  
4. B: We will try the calamari this time.
1. 你们想要点儿什么开胃菜?
2. 你有什么好的建议?
3. 鱿鱼圈和鸡翅都是我最喜欢的。
4. 我们这次先尝尝鱿鱼圈儿吧。

【Day 35】生活篇- 餐馆4
1. A. Are you ready to order?
2. B. Yes. Can I have your NY (New York) steak?
3. A. How do you like your steak done?
4. B. Medium well please.
1. 你可以点餐了么?
2. 可以了。我想要纽约牛排。
3. 你想要牛排做到什么程度?
4. 要8分熟。

【Day 36】国庆节
1. A: Happy Canada Day!
2. B: Happy Canada Day to you too.
3. A: I heard they have  "living flag" today, did you go?
4. B: No, we didn't.  But we will go to see fireworks tonight.
1. 国庆节快乐!
2. 你也是,国庆节快乐!
3. 今天有组建真人版国旗活动,你们去了么?
4. 没有。我们没有去。不过我们今晚要去看烟花。

【Day 37】生活篇- 餐馆5
1. A: It comes with your choice of fries or mash potato. Which one would you like?
2. B: I want fries please.
3. A: Alright. It will be about 15 minutes waiting time.
4. B: Thanks!
1. 你的点餐带薯条或者土豆泥一份,想要哪个?
2. 我要薯条吧。
3. 好的。大约有15分钟的等待时间。
4. 谢谢。

【Day 38】生活篇- 餐馆6
1. A: Here is your steak. Enjoy!
2. B: Thank you.
After a few moments
3. A: How is your first few bites?
4. B. It's delicious. Thanks!
1. 你的牛排好了,慢慢享用哦。
2. 谢谢。
3. 牛排尝着怎么样?
4. 很好吃。谢谢。

【Day 39】生活篇- 餐馆7
1. A: Are you all done? Can I take the plates away?
2. B: Yes, I am all done.  Thanks.
3. A: Do you want any dessert or Coffee?
4. B: Yes. I would like to try your cheesecake.
1. 都吃完了么?可以把盘子收走么?
2. 吃完了。可以收走。谢谢。
3. 还想要点儿甜点或者咖啡么?
4. 好的。我想尝下你们的芝士蛋糕。

【Day 40】生活篇- 餐馆8
1. A: Can I have my bill please?
2. B: Sure.  Do you pay by cash or credit card?
3. A: By credit card.
4. B: you can insert your card now. Do you need a copy of your receipt?
5. A: Yes, please.  
1. 给我拿账单吧?
2. 好的,付现金还是刷卡?
3. 刷卡。
4. 你可以插卡了。 需要小票儿么?
5. 需要呢。

【Day41】The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it. 生命中很重要的一件事就是有一个明确的目标,并且有努力实现它的决心。

【Day 42】Being nice to someone you Dislike doesn’t mean you’re a Fake. It means you’re Mature enough to Tolerate your dislike towards them. 能够善待不太喜欢的人, 并不代表你虚伪, 而意味着你内心成熟到可以容纳这些不喜欢。

【Day 43】We all grow into the beautiful person that we're supposed to be. Some earlier, some later.我们最终都会成为自己梦想成为的那个人,只是有些人早一些,有些人晚一些。

【Day 44】 A true friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future.真正的朋友会接受你的过去,力挺你的现在,鼓舞你的将来。

【Day 45】Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

【Day 46】Learn from every mistake, because every experience, particularly your mistakes, are there to teach you and force you into being more of who you are. 要从错误中吸取教训,因为你的每一次经历、尤其是你犯下的错误,都将帮助你、推动你更好地做自己。

【Day 47】If you want the best the world has to offer, offer the world your best.--Neale Donald Walsch 你若想得到这世界上最好的东西,先得让世界看到最好的你。

【Day 48】When you finally let go of the past, something better comes along. 当你最终放下了过去,更好的事就会到来。

【Day 49】No one can go back and make a brand new start; however, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. 没有人能让时光倒流重新打造一个全新的开始,但是任何一个人都能从现在开始创造一个漂亮的结局!

【Day 50】Worry is a total waste of time. It doesn't change anything. All it does is stealing  your joy and keeping  you busy doing nothing . 担心纯粹就是浪费时间,因为它改变不了现状,只能偷走你的快乐,让你瞎忙。

【Day 51】生活篇- 医生1
1. A:How are you feeling today?
2. B:  Not very well doctor.
3. A:  Tell me about it.
4. B:  I have a terrible headache.
1. 今天感觉怎么样?
2. 医生,感觉不怎么好。
3. 说说怎么了。
4. 我特别头疼。

【Day 52】生活篇- 看医生2
1. A: How about your throat?
2. B: It hurts a little.
3. A: Do you have a cough?
4. B: Yes, I have a cough too.
1. 你嗓子感觉如何?
2. 有点儿疼。
3. 咳嗽么?
4. 嗯。也咳嗽一点儿。

【Day 53】生活篇- 看医生3
1. A: Do you feel weak?
2. B: Yes, I get tired very quickly.
3. A: Let me check your temperature.
4. B: Alright.
1. 你觉得累么?
2. 嗯。很容易累。
3. 我查查你的体温。
4. 好的。

【Day 54】生活篇- 看医生4
1. A: Your temperature is 39.1 degrees. You have a fever.  
2. B: That's terrible .
3. A: Don't worry. Take this medicine, and rest.
4. B: Thank you doctor.
1. 体温39.1度,你发烧了。
2. 太糟糕了。
3. 不要担心,吃点儿药然后好好休息一下。
4. 谢谢医生。

【Day 55】生活篇- 看医生5
1. A: What's the problem?
2. B: I cut my hand.
3. A: You will need some stitches for that.
4. B: Will it hurt?
5. A: Maybe a little.
1. 怎么了?
2. 我切到手了。
3. 那得需要缝几针。
4. 疼不?
5. 可能有一点儿。

【Day 56】生活篇- 看医生6
1. A: I am going to take your blood pressure.
2. A: Could you roll up your sleeve?
3. B: Sure.
4. A: Your blood pressure is normal.
1. 我要量一下你的血压。
2. 你能把袖子挽起来么?
3. 好的。
4. 你的血压正常。

【Day 57】生活篇- 看医生7
1. A: What are your symptoms?
2. B: I have been feeling tired very quickly.
3. A: I will send you for a blood test.
4. B: Ok.
1. 有什么症状?
2. 最近很容易累。
3. 先查个血检吧。
4. 好的。

【Day 58】生活篇- 看医生8
1. A: What can I do for you?
2. B: I have a bad cough and sore throat.
3. A: How long have you had these symptoms?
4. B: About three days now.
5. A: Sounds like you have the flu.  Take aspirin every four hours and get plenty of rest.
1. 怎么了?
2. 我咳嗽很严重,嗓子也疼。
3. 这样几天了?
4. 3 天了。
5. 应该是感冒了。每四个小时吃一片阿司匹林,然后好好休息。

【Day 59】生活篇- 看医生9
1. A: I have a chest pain doctor.
2. B: Let me take a look. Does it hurt when I press here?
3. A: Yes.  Very much.
4. B: I will send you for an X-ray.
1. 医生,我的胸口有点儿疼。
2. 我来检查一下,按这里疼吗?
3. 嗯。非常疼。
4. 你去拍个x-ray 光片儿看看。

【Day 60】生活篇- 看医生10
1. A: What's the problem?
2. B: My heartbeat is faster than usual.
3. A: How long have you had this?
4. B: It started a few days ago.
5. A: I will send you for an EKG
1. 怎么了?
2. 感觉心跳比平常快。
3. 这样几天了?
4. 有几天了。
5. 送你去做个心电图吧。


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